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Managing your urostomy
In the case of a urostomy, the output is a continuous flow of urine and you will need to use a urostomy bag. Your caregiver will show you in detail how to take care of your urostomy and help you how to choose and use the urostomy appliances that best fit to your individual needs.
Over time, you will likely learn how to manage your urostomy on your own allowing you to become more independent. You should know that having a urostomy shouldn't prevent you from having an active lifestyle. If you are invited to a meeting, a party or a dinner... with the right equipment you will be able to fully enjoy the event.
You may ask yourself how often you should empty your bag. This varies according to the person, as is the case with people who urinate normally. It also may matter how much liquid you drink. On average you may need to empty you urostomy bag every two to four hours. Emptying your bag on a regular basis is a must. This will help it to stay discreet under your clothes and you to limit the risks of leaks.
Another information may be interesting for you: If your urostomy is an ileal conduit, then the urine output may contain mucus. This mucus is secreted from the intestinal segment which was used to create your urostomy. The mucus may decrease and sometimes disappear over a few months, but it can also stay present, whether or not it is visible to the naked eye.
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A person with a urostomy who needs a urostomy bag has the choice. Specifically designed stoma bags provide a specific uro outlet, allowing the bag to be emptied. The urostomy bag can be connected to a urine collection bag, especially at night for more comfort and better recovery while sleeping.
The combination of a urostomy bag with a distal urine collection bag may help you to manage your urine output especially during the night. This external night drainage is designed to help reduce interruptions to your sleep meaning a better recovery.
We offer serveral urine collection bags which can either be used attached to your leg or to e.g. a bed.
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