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Pain Therapy
Multimodal pain management strategies are an essential part of the peri-operative care process. Increasingly, regional and local methods – such as neuraxial anaesthesia (spinal/epidural), peripheral nerve blocks and wound infiltration – are replacing traditional general anaesthetic approaches. This reduces opiod consumption and the associated problematic side effects.
There have been a number of incidents recorded where simple misconnections have caused severe harm, or death, to patients.1. Patients with multiple access systems can be at greater risk of misconnection errors. With NRFit, you only put together what belongs together which helps provide greater safety in regional anaesthesia.
Connecting what belongs together NRFit
Our network lets us learn from you as our portfolio evolves anaesthesia. With your input we are transforming what anaesthesia departments can accomplish – with techniques that improve safety for your patients and for you.
Reach the next level
We empower professionals around the globe with knowledge and skills through continuous education. We offer training and support when adopting regional anaesthesia techniques to drive the development of pain therapy.
Empowering you
Many patients can particularly benefit from TIVA. There is evidence that TIVA can improve recovery compared to traditional volatile anaesthetic methods. The technique is especially well-suited when post-operative pain management is required.
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