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Infection Prevention and Control 

Stop the spread of life-threatening infections

Anyone receiving treatment in a healthcare setting is at risk of developing an infection. This is known as healthcare associated infection (HCAI). HCAIs can increase the length of hospital stays and treatment costs. 

Supporting healthcare professionals in preventing infections

The foundation of every successful medical treatment

Our products and services support healthcare professionals in establishing and maintaining a safety culture by implementing the latest evidence-based practices, guidelines and standard operating procedures. Partner with B. Braun to help improve health outcomes.

Young surgery team in the operating room .

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Infection Prevention and control

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1) Information, N.C. for B., Pike, U.S.N.L. of M. 8600 R., MD, B. and Usa, 20894 (2009). The burden of health care-associated infection. [online] World Health Organization. Available at:

‌2) (2023). Healthcare-associated infections. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Jun. 2024].

3) Rubeli, S.L., D’Alonzo, D., Mueller, B., Bartlomé, N., Fankhauser, H., Bucheli, E., Conen, A., Fandino, J. and Fux, C.A. (2019). Implementation of an infection prevention bundle is associated with reduced surgical site infections in cranial neurosurgery. Neurosurgical Focus, 47(2), p.E3. doi: