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Management of ICP in hydrocephalus patients often involves implantation of a shunt. Advances in shunt technology, particularly adjustable and gravitational valves, have significantly improved patient outcomes. [15], [16]
However, finding the best possible patient specific pressure setting and verifying shunt function can be difficult and time consuming.
Surgery time for valve implantation is not significantly prolonged. [23] As a consequence, the M.scio® is also cost-efficient compared to traditional clinical practice. [26]
Reduction in acute presentations to hospital [26]
Cost saving per patient compared to non M.scio® supported therapy [26]
Reduction in CT Scans [26]
... as well as reduction of number of unneccesary revisions [16], [25-27]
Up to
of patients reported improvement of clinical symptoms after valve adjustments based on M.scio® readout. [16], [26]
The measured values of the M.scio® can be read out by the treating Consultant using the Reader Unit Set. The pressure values are shown on the display in real time and automatically saved with date and time on an SD card. The data and curves can be accessed again with the Reader Unit Set.
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[24] Miethke Bench Test.
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[27] Miethke customer survey.
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