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By clicking 'Confirm” you declare that you are a health care professional. If you are a member of the public, we will redirect you to the pages dedicated to you.
Confirm Yes, I am a health care professional. Cancel No, I am not a health care professional.Compatible giving sets conforming to ISO standards are single use and must only be spiked once.
Container and unused residues must be discarded after use. Do not reconnect partially used containers.
The port can be punctured three times with an 18-gauge needle.
To provide a visual quality inspection.
When the oxygen indicator is exposed to oxygen, for example in case of loss of package integrity, the indicator will turn pink in colour. In this case the protective oxygen barrier overwrap is compromised, and the bag should not be used. Depending on the amount of the oxygen, the indicator will turn pink within a few hours, up to a 48-hour window.
The oxygen absorber sachet is made of inert material and contains iron hydroxide. It protects the solutions from oxidation as it absorbs the oxygen present between the bag and the overpouch. The iron oxidation reaction is exothermic, which means that the absorber gets warm.
Our bags consist of three layers:
▪ The inner layer consists of PP & SEBS
▪ The middle layer consists of SEBS
▪ The outer layer consists of copolyester-ether
(PP: Polypropylene, SEBS: Styrene / ethylene / butylene, styrene thermoplastic elastomer)
Our bags consist of three layers:
▪ The inner layer: Polypropylene
▪ The middle layer: Polypropylene
▪ The outer layer: Polyamide
Plastic film for overwrapping : Polypropylene, ethylevinyl alcohol
3-Chamber bags (Lipoflex & Omeflex):
2-Chamber bags (Nutriflex):
Please refer to the relevant SmPC for further detail
Our Lipoflex® bags contain Lipofundin® MCT/LCT
Our Omeflex® bags contain Lipidem® enriched with Omega-3-Acid triglycerides from fish oil
B. Braun can provide GMP-validated software called EasyComp®. Please contact for further information.
Our licensed aseptic unit: BBCAPS MS4296, is located at our headquarters in Sheffield
Standard delivery - We provide a 48-hour turnaround for orders placed before 2pm
Next day delivery - We are able to provide next day delivery on request during the working week. Orders must be placed before 1pm.
Bank holidays - On request, we can provide deliveries on the Saturday of a bank holiday weekend
Weekends - On request, deliveries can be made on a Saturday
Christmas/New Year - Cover is provided in our customer care and warehousing departments during the holiday period to fulfill emergency requirements
Orders placed on:
Monday before 11am delivered on Wednesday up to 5pm
Tuesday before 11am delivered Thursday up to 5pm
Wednesday before 11am delivered on Friday up to 5pm
Thursday before 11am delivered on Monday up to 5pm
Friday before 11am delivered on Tuesday up to 5pm
Lipidem® 20%: Lipidem 20% contains medium chain triglycerides derived from coconut oil, refined soya-bean oil and omega-3-acid triglycerides from fish. Furthermore, Lipidem 20% contains egg-lecithin (emulsifier). Lipidem 20% is therefore contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to egg, fish, peanut or soya protein.
Lipofundin® MCT/LCT 20%: Lipofundin MCT/LCT 20% contains medium chain triglycerides derived from coconut oil and refined soya-bean oil. Furthermore, Lipofundin 20% contains egg-lecithin (emulsifier). Lipofundin 20% is therefore contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to egg, peanut or soya protein.
Nutriflex® Peri, Basal, Plus and Special LIPID-FREE: The Nutriflex (Lipid-free) range contains amino acids, glucose and electrolytes. The Nutriflex range does not contain any egg, fish, peanut or soya protein.
Lipoflex®: The Lipoflex range contains Lipofundin, amino acids, glucose and electrolytes (excluding the without electrolytes options). Furthermore, Lipoflex contains egg-lecithin (emulsifier). Lipoflex is therefore contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to egg, peanut or soya protein.
Omeflex®: The Omeflex range contains Lipidem, amino acids, glucose and electrolytes (excluding the without electrolytes options). Furthermore, Omeflex contains egg-lecithin (emulsifier). Omeflex is therefore contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to egg, fish, peanut or soya protein.
For queries relating to compatibility or stability please contact
Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at or search for MHRA Yellow Card in the Google Play or Apple App Store. Adverse events should also be reported to B. Braun Medical Ltd (tel: 0800 298 0299)