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Chemfort closed system transfer device.

Maintaining the legacy of Tevadaptor while offering product design updates


Chemfort™ is a membrane to membrane next-generation Closed System Transfer Device based on patented Toxi-Guard® air-cleaning technology. This offers a complete portfolio of products for handling hazardous drugs with confidence.

Chemfort™ includes the benefits of the Tevadaptor product family, our Toxi-Guard® patented air-cleaning technology and upgraded materials and design.

The innovative design of Chemfort™ was created around real-world use and operator feedback, enabling efficient, simple use for pharmacists, nurses and other healthcare professionals.  Chemfort™ provides compatability with all know hazardous drugs and has been included in peer-reviewed studies on device safety and efficacy1,2


Chemfort™ Components


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Chemfort™ Demonstration Videos

Handling of Chemfort™ is identical to that of Tevadaptor. These Tevadaptor demonstration videos can be used as reference for Chemfort™ handling.


The Toxi-Guard® system ensures that the Chemfort™ air pathway only allows particulate and bacteria-free air to enter the drug vial during drug reconstitution and preparation. It also ensures that the air exiting the drug vial is free of hazardous drugs’ vapour.

Chemfort™ For SACT Syringes 


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  1. Chemfort data on file, White paper, Compatibility with All Known Hazardous Drugs
  2. P. Sessink et al., Validation of chemotherapy drug vapor containment of an air cleaning closed-system drug transfer device, Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice, 2022 Oct; 28(7):1508-1515
  3. Simpliva, Chemfort compatibility with hazardous drugs study 
  4. Wilkinson A.S., Allwood MC, et al., Performance testing protocol for closed-system transfer devices used during pharmacy compounding and adminis¬tration of hazardous drugs. PLoS ONE 13(10) : e0205263, Oct 2018
  5. Juhász, Á., Batka, G. & Szűcs, A. Responding to drug shortages and rising costs: IV chemotherapy drug use optimization achieved by closed safety devices in hospital pharmacies. Drugs Ther Perspect 32, 170–176 (2016).
  6. T. Marler-Hausen et al, 2020, Use of a closed-system drug transfer device reduces contamination with doxorubicin during bolus injection, British Journal of Nursing, 2020, Vol 29, No 10
  7. Flexzorb™ Activated Carbon Cloth, Chemviron Carbon, Cloth Division, United Kingdom,