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Products by Setting – Intensive Care Unit
Patients admitted to ICU who are critically ill, require targeted nutritional support to help navigate through various stages of illness.
B. Braun offer a wide range of parenteral nutrition product solutions that suit varying patient needs in the ICU setting including, central venous infusion, Three-Chamber bags, electrolyte free bags and an Omega-3-Acid triglyceride enriched lipid emulsion, helping to optimise clinical outcomes.
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Confirm Yes, I am a health care professional. Cancel No, I am not a health care professional.*EPA – Eicosapentaenoic Acid
**DHA – Docosahexaenoic Acid
***TG - Triglycerides
The results of a prospective, multicentre, double-blind study of 159 medical and surgical critically ill patients by Grau- Carmona et al., showed a reduced number of patients with nosocomial infections when receiving Lipidem® compared with patients receiving the standard MCT/LCT lipid emulsion (21 % vs. 37 %; p = 0.035, Fig. 1). Moreover, the results showed that the predicted time free of infections was significantly longer in patients receiving MCT/LCT /Omega-3 vs. standard lipid emulsion (21.4 days vs. 16.2 days; p=0.03).
Reference 2: Grau-Carmona T, Bonet-Saris A, Garcia-de-Lorenzo A, Sanchez-Alvarez C, Rodriguez-Pozo A, Acosta-Escribano J, Minambres E, Herrero-Masesguer JI, Mesejo A ; Influence of n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Enriched Lipid Emulsions on Nosocomial Infections and Clinical Outcomes in Critically Ill Patients: ICU Lipids Study; Crit Care Med. 2015 Jan; 43(1):31-9
The results of a randomised, controlled trial in septic patients from Barbosa et al. showed a positive treatment effect of Lipidem® compared to MCT/LCT, reflected in increased plasma eicosapentanoic acid, modified inflammatory cytokine concentrations and improved gas exchange. These changes were associated with a tendency towards shorter length of hospital stay which became significant in the subgroup of ICU survivors.
Reference 3: Vera M. Barbosa, Elizabeth E. Miles, Conceicao Calhua, Estevao Lafuente, Philip C. Calder. Effects of a fish oil containing lipid emulsion on plasma phospholipid fatty acids, inflammatory markers, and clinical outcomes in septic patients: a randomized, controlled clinical trial. Critical Care 2010;14:R5
The results of a prospective, randomised, multicentre trial in patients undergoing major abdominal surgery from Wichmann et al. showed a significantly shorter length of hospital stay in the patient group receiving Lipidem® in comparison with the patient group receiving LCT lipid emulsion (17 days vs. 22 days; p = 0.006)
Reference 4: Matthius W. Wichman, Paul Thul, Hans-Dieter Czarnetzki, Bart J. Morlion, Matthius Kemen, Karl-Walter Jauch. Evaluation of clinical safety and beneficial effects of a fish oil containing lipid emulsion (Lipoplus, MLF541): data from a prospective, randomized, multicenter trial. Critical Care Medicine 2007;35(3):700-706
Provide ready-to-mix formulations of amino acids, glucose and a lipid (Lipidem®).
Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at or search for MHRA Yellow Card in the Google Play or Apple App Store. Adverse events should also be reported to B. Braun Medical Ltd (tel: 0800 298 0299)
1. David C Wilson, Pamela Cairns, Henry L Halliday, Mark Reid, Garth McClure Randomised controlled trial of an aggressive nutritional regimen in sick very low birthweight infants Archives of Disease in Childhood 1997;77:F4–F11