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Sterile Supply

CSSD – Wrap to Rigid

Holes in sterile wrapping?

Introducing an alternative way to sterilise, transport and store sterile instruments.

Damaged wraps are more than just an inconvenience. They can cost hospitals precious time, valuable resources and even their reputation.

Take just a moment to consider how many surgeries have been delayed or cancelled because of holes in sterile wraps in your facility.


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Recognised worldwide, B. Braun Medical has been offering an effective Aesculap® sterile packaging alternative since 1971.

Today’s challenges in hospitals have driven us to take sterile supply management to the next level of efficiency.

Find out more about modern Sterile Goods Management

A jump ahead in sterile supply management – aiming to keep the operating theatre satisfied, the central sterile supply department running smoothly and patients’ procedures on time.


Packing the instruments? Experience the difference.

All these benefits are great but what’s the bottom line? How much money can be saved in the long run? Let's have a look.

  • 0

    Two sheets non-woven sterile wrap

  • 0

    Sterile container with 1 layer inner wrap

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    Sterile container without inner wrap

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    One-step non-woven sterile wrap

  • 0

    Two sheets non-woven sterile wrap

  • 0

    Sterile container with 1 layer inner wrap

  • 0

    Sterile container without inner wrap

  • 0

    One-step non-woven sterile wrap

  • 0

    Two sheets non-woven sterile wrap

  • 0

    Sterile container with 1 layer inner wrap

  • 0

    Sterile container without inner wrap

  • 0

    One-step non-woven sterile wrap

  • 0

    Two sheets non-woven sterile wrap

  • 0

    Sterile container with 1 layer inner wrap

  • 0

    Sterile container without inner wrap

  • 0

    One-step non-woven sterile wrap

More hard facts

Costs of sterile packaging alternatives.


[1] Rashidifard CH, Mayassi HA, Bush CM, Looking for Holes in Sterile Wrapping: How Accurate Are We? Clin Orthop Relat Res (2018) 476:1076-1080.

[2] Krohn M, Fengler J, Mickley T, Flessa S. Analysis of processes and costs of alternative packaging options of sterile goods in hospitals – a case study in two German hospitals. Health Economics Review (2019) 9:1.